Haven't you heard? The future is female.
Since I can't be in a dozen places at once to celebrate with all my Galentines today, below are a few things I love about some of the ladies in my life and what I've learned from them.
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Who can say they never fought even once with their freshman year roommate? Or that they're still bffs with their bff from 5th grade? In fact in middle school we determined that "bff" was not strong enough for this friendship, so instead coined the term "bffae" meaning "best friend forever and ever" as our one and only descriptor. Emily is my definition of loyalty. Plus, I'm sure she has extremely embarrassing footage of me somewhere. (That she would never release publicly because again- LOYALTY.)
Casen fits one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes - "though she be but little, she is fierce" - to a tee. Her determination to chase after dreams despite obstacle after obstacle is ridiculously inspiring. She will also sing show tunes with me at any time (very important in a friendship...with me).
How did it take us over 25 years to find each other? JoJo has shown me more grace and love than I'll ever be able to repay. Leslie's many compliments to Ann in Parks and Rec work well for our friendship (you are a beautiful tropical fish, JoJo) but the most applicable might be- "Ann [JoJo], you are such a good friend, you're a beautiful, talented, brilliant, powerful musk-ox. Thank you, ox." Thank you, JoJo.
I'll never forget calling Katie up and saying something to the effect of, "my cat died and I'm going to Rome tomorrow." Her automatic response of "yes, I'm in" is the metaphor for our friendship. She's always game, always up for the challenge, ready to help. She's such a healer.
Victoria and I bonded on our first night as new members in Alpha Chi Omega and never looked back. We were constantly mistaken for each other at Baylor and can I just say, it's a relief to be mistaken for a great person. I'm lucky enough to still have a strong bond with a group of sorority sisters and Victoria is one I can always call with a question or prayer or if I just need a general reality check.
Leaving GFAA for grad school was one of the hardest things I've done and not continuing to work with Karen was a big part of that. I learned a ridiculous amount of things from her and have so much respect for her, it doesn't even phase me that she's a TCU fan (just kidding mostly, Karen). I became a better teacher and person because of this one.
Those are just a few of the many, many gals that have impacted my life in wonderful ways. Women are amazing and I believe the more often women recognize and celebrate the amazingness of other women, the better the world will be.
To galentines the world over,
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