Winter doesn't officially begin until December 21st, but we're due for our first snow of the year this week. Also, the coming season is predicted to be the worst UK Winter of modern times. Basically, I see lots of falling-down-on-the-icy-street-in-my-cowboy-boots-because-they-are-still-dangerously-not-rubberized moments in my future. So while it still feels autumny, let's reflect on some of my favorite moments this season has given me, mmk?
In Texas, the leaves change from semi-green to brown in about a week. While I do love the extra satisfying crunchy sound those brown leaves make when stepped on, it's been lovely to watch an actual color transition. These are pictures of my daily walk to campus or the gym.
Halloween is not nearly as big of deal over here as it is in the states. Just recently has trick-or-treating even become a thing. Nevertheless, we decided to celebrate with as much gusto as a stereotypical American tourist. JoJo and I had some of our Norwegian classmates over for pumpkin carving. Believe it or not, this was MY first actual pumpkin carving experience. Don't judge me- I had a great childhood, I promise.
Repping Baylor with my BEARY first jack-o-lantern.
Pumpkin success!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I guess that means a YouTube video would be least half a million. Right? WATCH AND FIND OUT.
On actual Halloween day, we were in class and seeing as I have very little disposable income at the moment, I went as my "one year ago" self....which totally counts.....kinda....
....not really.
This past weekend, Katie and I thoroughly explored the Southbank Christmas Market. You see, since the UK has no holiday to hold off their Christmas cheer (I'm looking at you, Thanksgiving) the spirit is already alive and thriving over here. This market is on the Queen's walk along the south side of the Thames. It was a morning/afternoon combo of perfect weather, friendly people, and way too much good food.
I can't over emphasize the quality and quantity of deliciousness available to me. There should be a tumblr solely dedicated to food from this market.
Oh, and there was also the atmosphere. It wasn't bad.
To hoping Winter London suits me as much as Fall London,
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