Monday, November 24, 2014

Memes from Moscow

It's been two weeks and I'm still processing everything that happened during our Moscow month. If I'm honest, I'll probably still be processing a year from now. There were so many highlights - ballet at the Bolshoi, touring Chekhov's house, wandering through the Cosmonaut museum, haggling over matryoshkas at the Izmailovo market...I'll stop now.

Ok, one more favorite.

Our acting tutor, Vera Babicheva -

She was a part of the Moscow Art Theatre for years, has performed just about everywhere in Moscow, and has taught at Gitis for over ten years. She loved to yell at us in Russian and often, but it was always for our good. She was loud and blunt and amazing and gave us a gem of a quote just about every ten minutes.

What to do with these bits of authentic Russian acting wisdom, you ask? Well, we are on the internets of course, so the logical answer is...

Definitely memes.

So without further ado, some common Russian acting sense via grumpy cat and all her friends.

I hope you all enjoyed the products of my Monday night. This is what happens when you finish your logbook early.

To Vera and all her Russian glory,

Friday, November 7, 2014

Moscow: Part 1




....How to begin?

Let me try and sum up Russia so far via gifs.

(If you find yourself asking, "Why were they all Disney animated gifs, Jenny?" then you must be new here. Welcome.)

Moscow has simultaneously been everything and nothing I thought it would. 

I've explored iconic religious, military, and artistic sites (that I had very much written off ever having the opportunity to see in person).

I've experienced intricately-intriguing and thought-provoking theatre (and yes, all in Russian.)

I've survived (so far) a very intense month of training.

And I've met so many wonderful people that just don't care that our governments don't get along. 

They've smiled. They've come up to us on their own and asked how they could help us while lost in the Metro. They've asked why we're visiting. They've gotten excited to hear that we're working at Gitis. They've thanked us for letting them practice English for a few minutes. They've wished us a great stay in their city. 

Of course I know anti-American sentiments are still there. But more importantly, I know that Russia is not the big, scary country full cold stares that some would make it out to be. That's one of my favorite things I get to take away from this trip.

I can't even begin to go into details about my experiences here - mainly because I'm using Shake Shack's free wifi and they'll close before I can even focus my thoughts enough in that arena.

You and me both, Nick Miller.
So instead I'll leave you with the photo that makes me think, "what is my life" every time I look at it.

To Russia and the blessing that is this trip,