Sunday, September 29, 2013

September Favorites

Lady Gaga - Applause: No it wasn't Gaga's weird face paint & sea shell-filled music video or her disturbing VMA performance that finally got me hooked on this song. It was a car commercial featuring adorable hamsters trying to get fit. I mean, come on. That's just fantastic.

Justin Timberlake - Take Back the Night: No explanation needed, right?

Selena Gomez - Birthday: This might be the epitome of throw-away pop, but I just don't really care. Tell 'em that it's my birthday.

The Newsroom - Election Night, Part 2: I know a lot of people thought the season finale wrapped everything up too nicely and I agree the montage at the end felt very rom-commy, but several moments left me too happy to care. Mainly I just hate that this series has such short seasons.

New Girl - All In: This was the perfect season premiere for me. I know the writers will make Nick and Jess' relationship crash and burn at some point (to reignite tension and draw plots out a la Friends, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, on and on and on) but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Winston and his puzzle struggles were a highlight of the episode (see below). Side note: can't wait for some Winston/Coach action in the upcoming weeks. COACH!

New York City Ballet - YPC

Vlogbrothers - Syria in 5 Minutes

TED - Everyday Cybercrime & What You Can Do about It

Vlogbrothers - 42 Amazing Maps

Oscars - Bryan Cranston's Advice to Aspiring Actors

Endless fantastic names in the style of everyone's favorite Sherlock.

Ever wonder how I feed my photo collage addiction habit? Welcome to my crack cocaine.

Say Yes to Grapefruits's Even Skin Tone Moisturizer with SPF 15 - I really like the "Say Yes to" company. Their products are paraben and cruelty free and I'm always up for putting more SPF on my face.

Society6 Up iPhone Case - A new phone upgrade means a new phone case. I was giddy when I stumbled upon one of my favorite images from cinema.

To many new London favorites to come!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The First Days

My last little Texas road trip to DFW with Emily included goodbyes to the in-construction Baylor Stadium and of course a stop to get some world famous Czech Stop kolaches. It's amazing how fast 2 hours flies by when you're laughing with a best friend.

We made it pretty easily through customs at Heathrow with all of this (yep, all mine).

My room at the hotel we stayed in the first night had the most lovely view of Olympic Park with downtown's skyline in the background.

The next day was move-in day! That also means it was the first time I was meeting my most fantastic room flatmate in person - JoJo! Our first interaction consisted of high pitched, sorority girl yelling and a solid seven second hug in the middle of our front doorstep. I think that's the best start possible, don't you?

We're in the middle of induction week over here which means we're doing lots of welcome, orientation, and registration-type tasks. That doesn't leave a ton of time for sightseeing or decorating our place, but not to worry, that giantly obnoxious Texas flag that I made sure to pack first thing is already hanging above my bed.

We have been able to do a lot of walking and exploring of our Loughton neighborhood so far:



There's also this pub literally a block down the street:

Such a shame I'm not a pint-drinker, right?
We have a "London adventure day" with our program tomorrow, so I'm thinking I'll have more interesting things to add soon, but the basics are this: I love my parents for coming out here with me, getting me settled, and supporting me in this journey. I love that my flatmate and our house is the definition of a best-case scenario. I love the incredibly interesting, funny, lovely people that my cohort is made up of. I love the sense of anticipation for the next two years streaming through my head and my heart.

Now JoJo and I are off to M&S to find some sheets that don't feel like cardboard (protip: don't ever think that 4 pound sheets are a great find).

To grad school!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Final Days

I set all the travel notifications.

I've eaten all the delicious Texas food.

I packed my life into 5 suitcases (3 big/2 little if you're a detail person).

I even shot a goodbye tour of Waco with the lovely Casen:

Backtracking to a few weeks ago, my homegroup from The Village threw me a going away party. I've been so incredibly blessed by this group of people. I could never put into words what they've done for my heart and what the Lord has shown me through their grace, patience, and love. Thank you to Janet, Marc, Kate, Jeremy, Hannah, Cory, Jody, Baron, Dan, Worris, Kristin, the Allens, the Wrens, the McCords, the Grahams, and everyone else that I had the pleasure of fellowshipping with at the Oglesby abode these past 2.5 years. I love you so!

A few photographic highlights from the night:

For the party, my friends had written me letters to open while I'm in London. I in turn made them each a copy of this:

And what was on this cd, you ask? Not to worry, I made a track listing (ignore the red squiggles just like I do):

It's a strange, extremely eclectic mix, but hey, every song means something to me. Just be glad I restrained myself and didn't include any 1D.

I came back home from DFW with an extremely full heart and a need to do lots of organizing, lots of packing, and lots of procrastinating from doing those other two things. (#Netflix) Luckily you can only stare at your computer screen for so long until your eyes rebel and force you on to other, more important tasks. 

One thing you never think you're going to run out of is luggage tags. Pro tip: If you do, just use it as another opportunity to buy something to showcase your obnoxious state pride.

This past week, I headed back up to DFW for some last minute quality time with a few very important people. It feels like I've been driving this I-35 stretch so many times my car should be able to autopilot itself there by now. The journey is always worth it to see these wonderful friends.

I'm spending my last few days here in lovely Waco running errands, basking in the smog-free sunlight, racking up phone bills by calling London at 3 a.m. to figure out utilities at my new place, enjoying my family, and assuring Zorro that "I'll be back before he knows it so no need to fall into a deep depression over my leaving." 

Either he doesn't believe me or doesn't care. I can't tell.

On Thursday, my BFFAE (google it) Emily will drive me up to DFW where I'll fly off for the beginning of an adventurous two years. It's very fitting for Em to drop me off since our Summer 2011 trip to London reminded me beyond a doubt of how much I loved this city and wanted to live, work, and study in it. If she could only stow away in my suitcase, life would be perfect.

There are two - count 'em two - Friends references above.

To my addiction of making photo collages,